The SRG Picks 10 Great Installer Products for 2012
Peter J. Marcucci
Special Contributor
Installers know that when they drive off with a customer’s precious cargo, they’re also driving off in a mini-shop on wheels and a strong likelihood that something will have to be fixed or modified.
When one of those, “uh-oh” moments occur and a backsplash (or worse) breaks, the resourceful installer had better have the right fix-it technique and supplies. A trip back to the shop can be time consuming. Also, getting those huge 3 cm countertops from truck to cabinet while trekking through jobsite terrain can be daunting and backbreaking when not having the proper gear. Equipment to fix and safely carry stone are key elements for any companies’ long-term success.
I have always lived by the saying that, “Set up is the most important thing,” So, as I penned my way through this 10 Great Products write-up, you’ll see I mostly stuck with glues (no pun intended) to repair, tools to shape and polish, and equipment to make your job easier and safe.
There’s another saying: “Don’t bring me problems—bring me solutions.” So from all of us to all of you, here are ten good ones.
Whether you’re grinding, cutting, or polishing, the BOSCH Angle Grinder is a handful of precision power that easily copes with the day to day rigors of stone work. BOSCH, synonymous with quality for years, has created a well-thought out, multi-use hand tool that offers variable speed, quick change spindle, a 2-position auxiliary handle and a kickback stop for safety. Cost is $174.95.
Fast, smooth and durable, these Viper Elite® Diamond Turbo Blades were born to cut! Accurately pre-drilled to allow easy mounting on a flush cut adapter, these 4-1/2˝ and 5˝ blades are great for in the shop or in the field! Using a matrix designed to efficiently release worn-out diamonds while exposing the new, the robust segment design compliments an array of strategically placed cooling holes, creating unparalleled heat dispersion. Viper Elite® Diamond Turbo Blades keep their cool and their edge. Priced from $24.95 to $27.95 for the 4-1/2˝ and 5˝, the 7˝ will set you back only about $54.95.
Considered by many to be the savior of installation crews that hand-carry large countertops from truck to jobsite, the SME Slab Belt may be the preeminent carry aid in the business. Designed to take stress off of hands and backs, SME Slab Belt can be used with any brand of slab carry clamps and give installers ease-of-carry down truck ramps, up stairs, and everywhere in between.
Built for years of service, these belts have the potential to extend an installers pain-free working years if used regularly and correctly. Installation can be a risky business! Keep your workman’s comp low and your installers out of the doctor’s office and on the job! Cost is $139.95 each.
And while we’re on tools to help carry, the Abaco Carry Clamp is an excellent tool to carry lighter countertops by hand and the perfect choice to use in conjunction with SME Slab Belts. The Abaco Carry Clamp is well-designed using quality materials, has a grip range up to 40 mm, and a lift capacity of 400 lbs. per set. Cost per pair is $224.95.
Let’s face it, resinated slabs are a double- edged sword. Resin can make a slab look rich and un-pitted, but when exposed to UV or the outdoors for any significant amount of time, sunlight will cause fade and discoloration. Also, matching a finished edge to the luster of a resonated surface can be a big problem. Tenax, a well-respected name in our industry for many years, offers their Ager Tiger as a brilliant solution to these problems. Available in two sizes, Tenax Ager Tiger is indispensable in the shop and many times crucial in the field. Cost is $26.40 and $79.99 respectively.
Installers, how many times have you stuck down your countertops to perfection only to find out later that the shop forgot to add a radius or polished the wrong end of a backsplash? (Wasn’t I just talking about a mini shop on wheels?). Viper® 3-Step Dry Polish Pads are the perfect solution for keeping your installation on-track and lookin’ good. Built to last, these dry polishing pads are jam-packed with exceptional quality diamonds, allowing the user to achieve a high gloss on edges quickly and easily. Priced at $29.95 each, they are a must have for the resourceful installer.
Manual “Thumb Pump” Vacuum Cup Version.
Innovative and cutting edge, the patent-pending Sink Hole Saver VCM by Omni Cubed, comes in three sizes and is the best solution to safely install any fragile kitchen sink countertop between three walls. Works great on vanities, too! I know one company that swears by this tool to the point of not even using reinforcement rods. Worth its weight in gold and made in America, this offering by Omni Cubed will save you time, money, and frustration year after year. Priced from $250.00 to $395.00 these handy dandies are available in 4´, 6´ and 8´ lengths to match your transport needs.
Fast cure time and unparalleled strength, make these glues by Stone Shield™ a top-shelf product. Durable and easy to color, these glues get-it-done Better! Faster! and Cheaper! In the shop or on the jobsite, Stone Shield™ is the brand to stick with (pun intended) and is a great buy in quart or gallon quantity. Priced at $10.75 and $39.90 respectively.
Every year the popularity of reverse osmosis and conveniences like garbage disposals and pop-up electrical outlets grows considerably, requiring the custom placement of controls during installation. Talon™ Platinum Dry Core Bits are designed to run dry at 10,000 RPM, cutting their way through granites quickly with little or no chipping. Reasonably priced and built to last, these core bits will save you time and money. Available in six sizes ranging from 1˝ to 2˝ and priced from $58.95 to $89.95 respectively.
Drilled, countersunk, and patented, the I-Brace by InnoTops is the easy and safe solution to support countertop overhang. Made in the US, these powder coated gems come in 13˝, 16˝ and 20˝ lengths, giving the installer a quick resolve and a safely installed unit. Priced from $9.99 to $14.99, the patent-pending I-Brace is a great solution to stock in bulk quantity on any installation truck.